
上环 上环位于中国香港港岛中西区的北部,东起鸭巴甸街,西至皇后大道中与皇后大道西交界、南至坚道。 历史 上环是四环九约里的其中一环。自1843年以来,上环一直是华人聚居的地方,英国人及其他外国人则住在中环。今日的卜公花园,昔日是贫民区。由于1894年曾爆发黑死病,使该区被清拆,并改建成公园直至现在。与此同时,东华医院亦因应而成立。 由19世纪末开始,上环发展成华人主要商贸区。苏杭街和文咸西街由于接近当时海边的三角码头,故成为了中国香港早期转口贸易集中地。干诺道西为当时的食米批发中心;德辅道西一带则是海味和咸鱼的集散地。此后,上环一直随着中国香港经济而发展。 特色 上环是中国香港的商业区,不少中资企业的办事处设在该区。在今日的中国香港交易所的前身「联合交易所」成立之前,中国香港的股票及期货主要由4个交易场所负责。当中的「金银业贸易场」及其他2家交易所就在上环的苏杭街。 上环也是中国香港的海味及中药的集散地。中药店林立的文咸东街与文咸西街,有「南北行」之称 ;海味店则集中在德辅道西一带,老一辈称呼该区为「三角码头」。 上环荷里活道及摩罗街一带,以古玩店著名,吸引不少中外游客在此寻宝。 中环 中环(又称中区)位于中国香港的中西区,是中国香港的政治及商业中心,很多银行,跨国金融机构及外国领事馆都设在中环。中国香港的 *** 总部、立法会大楼、终审法院、以及前港督府(现称礼宾府)也是位于中环。 历史 中环是中国香港的心脏地带,也是港岛开埠后最早开发的地区,也是中国香港的商业中心。早在1841年英国人占领中国香港的时候,英国人便率先在中环建立其军事基地,并迅速地兴建了多条主力干道。在今下亚厘毕道的山坡,早在1841年开埠时己划为 *** 专用地段,作为港英 *** 象征的港督府便座落在 *** 山的中央位置。因此历史上,中环属于维多利亚城的一部份。 远在第二次世界大战前及战后初期,位于中国香港岛北岸的中环,已经是当时中国香港的主要商业中心。由于土地不敷应用,在德辅任内﹝1887年至1891年﹞,中环进行了多次填海工程,今日的中国香港会所,皇后像广场、立法会大楼等,也是在填海工程所建成的。 1970至1980年代是中环的全盛时期,当时中环不断兴建多层式摩天大厦,包括各银行总部,加上金融市场开始兴旺,不少中国香港主要的商业活动均在中环进行,不少中国香港人都以在中环上班为荣。但由于中环土地即使多次填海都始终不能满足需要,加上中环办公室的租金一直都居高不下,这个港岛的主要商业区,便逐渐的扩展至上环、金钟及湾仔北岸,而人流也就慢慢的不及以前。不过贵为中国香港的心脏和金融市场中心,中环的商业活动仍然相当频繁。 1950年代中环沿岸 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/f/fe/1950%E5%B9%B4%E4%BB%A3%E4%B8%AD%E7%92%B0%E6%B2%BF%E5%B2%B8.JPG/200px-1950%E5%B9%B4%E4%BB%A3%E4%B8%AD%E7%92%B0%E6%B2%BF%E5%B2%B8.JPG

HISTORY OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN DISTRICT: Central and Western District is the earliest developed area in Hong Kong. On 25 January 1841

British troops landed at possession point in SHeung Wan. Afterwards

they built the Belcher Battery there for defence pupose. They then settled and started developing the northwestern shore of HOng Kong. Many roads and buildings were built OIRGIN OF CENTRAL DISTRICT: Central District was developed by westerners. After 1841

most western panies concentrated on QUeen's Road to the east of Pottinger Street. The buildings in this district were required by law to be in European style. In 1870s

some westerners made their homes in Victoria Peak because it was cooler in summer. Later

a law was passed to restrict the district for westerners only. ORIGIN OF WESTERN DISTRICT On the other hand

Western District appeared because of Chinese traders and civili. Most of them concentrated in SHeung Wan to the west of Pottinger Street. The uphill part of this district was the Chinese residential area known as Tai Ping Shan. Gradually Sheung Wan developed dinto a traditional Chinese residential-cum-mercial district. Later the western area of the SHeung Wan also developed because of the establishment of the brothels in Shek Tong Tsui

which became an infammous red light district. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the early years

economic development was mainly in Central and Sheung Wan. The major economic activities were retailing and entrepot trade because of the good natural environment of Victoria Harbour. The wind in these areas was weak

which helped the anchoring of ships. Later Central became the most important mercial area in Hong Kong while Western District became the retail and wholesale centre of dried seafood